Tre Melvin Obituary explains what happened to Tre Melvin

Tre Melvin Obituary

After seeing Tre Melvin Obituary, the internet woke up with a rising question – What happened to Tre Melvin, and How Did He Die. Various news media outlets mistook the Obituary and ran news without verifying the facts.

Tre Melvin Obituary was read as “In loving memory of Tre Melvin.” However, there was no more information about whether Tre was still alive or the cause of his death.

Controversial Media outlets quickly covered his death news and blamed it on an accident without verifying the facts. In reality, Kailia Posey, star of the Grinning Girl meme, was the one who passed away due to a horrifying accident.

When we investigated the concerned post, it came to light that the post was part of a marketing strategy to promote Tre Melvin’s upcoming video. The news of Tre Melvin Obituary caused anger among his fanbase, who flooded his comment section to share their disagreement with the marketing idea.

Meanwhile, Tre Melvin was successful in his marketing strategy as most media outlets eventually covered him.

Tre Melvin Upcoming Music Video 


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Faking his own death for marketing is something we’ve seen in Hollywood movies so far. This is the first time a YouTuber did something so unethical to achieve brownie points in a marketing video.

To make the Tre Melvin obituary look real, the page was even linked to a webpage sharing details about his life journey.

Tre Melvin Obituary

“An outdated variant of Dayton, Ohio-born actor, writer, producer, singer, songwriter, designer, poet, philanthropist, clairvoyant, and digital creator Tre Melvin peacefully departed this life, for the thousandth time, on Friday, May 6, 2022. Upon his deathbed, he documented his final thoughts.”

According to the “Final Thoughts” the user is redirected to a YouTube video which is set to premiere on May 6.

Tre Melvin Net Worth

Melvin is one of the most richest Youtuber in the world. Several reports suggest that Tre Melvin is worth about $1.5 million.