The season 3 of episode 6 of The Handmaid’s Tale is going to release this week’s Wednesday, June 26, 2019. For the same, the trailer has been released for the fans wanting to know what happens next. Next, we will see Commander Waterford and Serena Joy ramping up their campaign to get baby Nicole back. (Check: One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 11.)
THT airs on Channel 4 on Sundays. Before proceeding to read further, you should note that this article may contain spoilers for the upcoming or previous episodes. So, proceed at your own risk. The Handmaid’s Tale S3E6 will continue where the episode 5 left us off. In it, Waterfords will broadcast a message asking the Canadian government to return Nicole.
In the trailer, Commander Waterford is featured broadcasting a much bigger TV message.“This is going to be sweeping and stately,” he says, as we see a statue of angel wings. “I’ll start, they’ll follow your lead to pray, understand?” he seems to say to Serena. June Osbourne asks Serena: “How many more of these videos is he going to do?”

To it, Serena replies that as many as it would take him to get her back. In the clip, we can see June standing in between Commander Waterford and Serena with those giant wings behind them. Then, Serena makes a reference to the last episode’s events when she went to Canada for baby Nicole.
She said that after seeing baby Nicole, everything got changed for her. Serena talks while looking at a card of child’s footprints. On one hand, the Waterfords are trying hard to get Nicole back. On the other hand, June may try to stop them from doing the same in the next episode.
While looking straight to camera, June says that she is the child’s mother and so, she wants Nicole to stay in Canada. This may be a hint that at some point in future, she may record a message of her own. The promo ends with a mass prayer meeting of the Handmaids.
Commander Waterford and Aunt Lydia lead the meeting. These events give a hint that suggest June and Serena may end up being allies again. It’s because both of them wants completely different things for Nicole. Now, Serena owes June a favor as she helped her in visiting Nicole in Canada.
It looks like June will use it to protect her child. As per the synopsis for the last episode, Serena’s visit to Canada will end up with far-reaching ramifications. THT season 3 episode 6 will air on June 26 on Hulu.