Salman Khan Tiger Zinda Hai Box Office Collection and Earnings Report

Tiger Zinda Hai of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is in theatres around the world. The movie got a release in around 300 screens in the United States and 5700 screens worldwide. Out of which 4600 screens are from Domestic Market wiz India and 1100 screens from other overseas countries. Tiger Zinda Hai Box Office Collections is receiving an expectional response from audience WorldWide since the first day of release. The film has already earned and most likely to end up being one of the most profitable deals in Indian Box office ever.

The film got release date fixed in the biggest weekend of this year. The film is getting a period of entire 7 days to perform on the box-office in the extended weekend. Tiger Zinda Hai Collection will always remain a news for the week. The fickle has been produced with a whopping budget of 150 crores which is probably the highest in Bollywood for a single film. This movie is a sequence of Salman Khan’s first film portraying the role of an Indian Secret Service Agent, Tiger.

Tiger Zinda Hai 1st Day Collection (Domestic): 33. 75 Crore rupees
Tiger Zinda Hai 2nd Day Collection (Domestic): 39.25 Crore Rupees
TZH Domestic Collection (2 Days): 73 Crore rupees

As its first day collection and box office earnings, the film minted out over 33.75 Crores which is again a great but not the highest figure for any Hindi film. This year release, Baahubali 2: The Conclusion stays on top chart for this year. Tiger Zinda Hai could not perform on the initial day because of a number of reasons but future seems bright in the industry. On the first day, film observed occupancy of 70% in prime locations. The fill out rate was great considering the holiday.

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Tiger Zinda Hai Second Day Collections performed much better with a greater occupancy. Peak occupancy observed at Night and Evening shows with Housefull shows around the country and worldwide. The movie observed a great occupancy in UAE-GCC countries as well. Release in Australia and New Zealand also added points to this exceptional release of this year.

Film minted out an approximate figure of 39.25 crore rupees as second-day box office earnings from the Indian market. The earnings of next two days would be a really interesting affair. As film is expected to mint out the budget allocated for production.