The episode 901 of One Piece series is going to release this weekend. The anime fans can expect that Wano arc will end with a long list of supporting characters. They will make the future episodes super-fun to watch. As of now, Luffy hasn’t come across the boss enemies. He will be seen in battles in the next segment.
One Piece 901 will start from where the last one ended on a cliffhanger. Last week, the episode ended on a note when Tama was kidnapped by the Beasts Pirates gifter and Gazelleman. Then, Luffy, Kiku, and Zoro left on a mission to save and bring Tama safe back home. In order to accomplish their mission, Luffy and co. will have to enter Bakura Town where the forces of Orochi are situated.
One Piece Episode 901 Spoilers: Luffy Faces Trouble In Bakura Town
It is being expected that the fans will get some insights on where Tama has been kept, and the future actions of Luffy and team. The trio has left on an adventurous trip in which they will face a string of small yet exciting fights. As they are the natives of Bakura, the people of Bakura will get hostile on seeing them.
With the use of Haoshoku Haki, Luffy will make an entrance for his team in the town. Urashima will again interrupt their search for Tama. Urashima is an undefeated sumo wrestler and wants to marry Kiku without her consent. Due to his arrogant nature, the things will escalate.

Kiku will cut the top knot of Urashima with her sword. Then, it will enrage the sumo wrestler who will go for killing her. At this point, Luffy will challenge him for a sumo match in One Piece #901. Luffy will win with ease by sending Urashima flying with a powerful punch. In the process, the house of Holdem gets destroyed.
Now, you want to know who the heck is Holdem. He is one of the Beasts’ headliners who uses SMILE and has a lion on his stomach. He wants to know how Tama’s devil fruit works as he already know that she tamed Hihimaru with it. Out of too much curiousity and desperation, he will order his subordinates to use pliers in order to force Tama in producing her devil fruit in the next episode of One Piece anime.
One Piece Episode 901 Release Date
It is very much plausible that it will end with a teaser of Luffy and Holdem fighting each other. The latter will make use of Tama as a bait. However, he seems to underestimate the power of the Straw Hats captain. In the meantime, it will be another amazing episode as it will introduce one more interesting location within the Wano territories. OP 901 is to release on September 8, 2019, Sunday.