The episode begins with Bela commanding on Rohini. Bela asks Rohini to stand straight. Bela calls Mahir aside and throws all the clothes on the floor. Bela gives hints to Mahir to go with Vish and Vikrant. Bela throws Mahir out of the room. Mahir comes down and Vikrant goes to take Vish. (Check: Naagin 3 Written Update.)
Yuvi hears some noise from Vish’s room. Yuvi looks into Vish’s room and she is shouting in pain. Yuvi gets to know that Vish is pregnant with Hukum’s child. The baby says to Vish that he doesn’t want to get separated from his mother. Vish says to her child that he is safe with him. Vikrant comes to take Vish to a safe place.
Vish kills Vikrant to protect her baby. Vish says that Bela and Vikrant are her enemies. Vikrant says that she will give her child to Hukum only. Bela asks Rohini to stand still and goes to sleep. Rohini runs from there after seeing that Bela is sleeping.

Vish’s baby asks her to run outside the house. Vish opens the gate and Vikrant comes there. Vish gets shocked to see him. Vikrant looks at the dead body who looks alike Vikrant. The dead body turns into Yuvi’s body. Vikrant gets shocked to see that Vish has killed him. Vikrant holds Vish and takes her with him.
Rohini is in the kitchen and Vikrant takes Vish out from the window. Rohini goes upstairs to sleep. Bela comes outside of the house. Vikrant takes Vish with him and Rohini come downstairs. Rohini looks at a knife with blood in Vish’s room. Rohini goes to look inside and starts shouting for Sumitra and Yuvi.
Vikrant holds Vish and Bela takes her into the car. Mahir also starts the car.
Rohini shows the knife to Sumitra and Alek. Hukum comes there and asks about everything from Rohini. Hukum says that he will kill everyone if his child gets hurt. Sumitra, Rohini, and Alek go outside the house to catch Bela. Mahir breaks the gate and leaves from there. Alek calls his team to go behind Bela.
Vish is shouting in pain and Vikrant consoles her. The Naag’s surround all of them and Bela ask Mahir to drive carefully. Some Naag’s come in front of them and Bela asks all of them to stay with Vish. Bela goes to fight with the Naag’s. Bela comes in her Naagin avatar and kicks them down.
Sumitra says to Hukum that she has sent her Naag’s behind Bela. Hukum says that he will fight with them himself now.
Sumitra goes to Vish’s room and gets shocked to see Yuvi dead. Sumitra and everyone are crying to see Yuvi in such a situation. Sumitra says that she will kill them who have done this with Yuvi.
Bela kills all the Naag’s who were surrounding them. Sumitra comes over there in her Naagin avatar. Sumitra says that she won’t let Bela go from there as they have killed Yuvi. Bela denies that they haven’t done anything and he got dead because of his mother’s lessons. Bela says that Sumitra herself has killed Yuvi.
Sumitra says that she will not go from the place without killing Bela. Sumitra hits Bela and Mahir comes outside. Bela asks Mahir to go inside the car and stay with Vish and Vikrant. Sumitra says that she will kill everyone today. Sumitra separates Bela and Mahir. Vikrant also comes outside and Vish asks him to go to Vish.
Vish gets outside of the car and starts running. Bela, Mahir, and Vikrant start following her. Vish hides herself and promises her child to protect him. Bela gets worried that the baby can come anytime and Vish is in danger.
Bela looks at Vish lying in severe pain. Vish pushes Bela and runs from there. Vish says that she will fall from there to save her child. Bela says that she wants to save her child. Vish asks her not to kill her child. Bela shouts at her that it is not her child and it is Andhaka who is the biggest Shaitaan.
Vish says that she won’t let any bad thing come near to her baby.
Bela says that they can make this child a good person just by keeping it away from Hukum. Bela holds Vish’s hand and asks her to come with her. Vish throws Bela and falls down from there in the river. Bela also comes down in the river and starts following her. Bela comes in front of Vish and Vish says that her baby is going to come.
Vish denies Bela to stay away from her. Bela shouts at her that she won’t let anything bad happen to her as she is her friend. Bela takes Vish to a safe place.
Sumitra gets to know that Vish is pregnant with Hukum’s child and not Bela.
Mahir is finding Vish and Sumitra comes there to ask him about Bela and Vish.
Bela takes Vish to a safe place. Vish looks at a knife in Bela’s hand and starts running from there. Bela throws the knife and says that Vish can trust her. Bela says that she will make this child a good person and keep him away from Hukum. Bela helps Vish to give birth to her baby. Vish gives birth to her baby. Bela says that it is a baby girl.
Sumira holds Mahir’s neck to kill him. Vikrant comes and hits Sumitra. Sumitra says that she knows about Vish who is going to give birth to Andhaka. Sumitra says that Vish has become a bad person and Hukum will kill Bela. Sumitra says that Bela is pregnant.
Precap: Bela takes the baby with her and the baby is smiling! Bela is crossing a river with the baby and Hukum comes there!