Nagin 3 26 January 2019 Written Update: The episode begins with Bela and Vikrant traveling in the sea in their Naagin avatar. They reach the place and comes in their human avatar. Vishakha is finding Mahir but couldn’t be able to reach for him. Sumitra comes with Alek and Rohini. The vultures also come at the moment.
Vish asks about Mahir but Sumitra says that don’t shout or else you would be killed by us. Vish comes in her Naagin avatar. Sumitra throws Bela leaves on Vish and traps her.
Bela is moving forward to take Naagmani and pray to the Shiv god in the place. The Shiv God sculpture places a crown on Bela’s head. Bela prays to God to help her with the Naagmani as Mahir is in huge danger. Bela is showing her true devotion and gets the Naagmani.

Bela and Vikrant come back, but enters the house from the terrace. But they get to see vultures who have come to face them. Bela says that she will give the Naagmani if they let them go safely. Bela brings the Naagmani and asks them to take it. She throws it and it broke into pieces and they run in their Naagin avatar. The vultures get to learn that these two Naag’s were not Bela and Vikrant.
Bela and Vikrant have reached and makes a trick to enter the house. The servants are coming with the eatables which Sumitra asks to bring in the house at a cheap price for Kuhu and family. Bela tricks the servants and they leave for a minute sparing some time for them to enter the boxes brought by the servants. Sumitra opens the door and asks them to keep it into the kitchen. Sumitra asks the servant to stop and check the boxes.
Bela and Vikrant leave the boxes in their Naagin avatar. Bela enters the room and gets shocked that no one is there. Both of them gets into the room where Vish and Mahir are trapped. Sumitra is waiting for them with her team inside the room. Sumitra takes Bela and Vikrant inside with everyone at the place where Vish and Mahir are trapped badly. Mahir is trapped in a box in which water is flowing continuously. Vish is covered with the Bel leaves and her hands are tied badly.
Bela couldn’t move inside since the area is covered with the Bel leaves. Bela agrees to give the Naagmani but leaves both of them. Sumitra says that it is the time when you can’t give us any choice.
Bela brings the Naagmani and gives it to Sumitra. Vish takes out Mahir but a vulture throws Vish into the water.
Bela and Vikrant come inside and helps Mahir and Vish. But Vish is not able to breathe and dies.
Sumitra and her team move out with the Naagmani. The vultures asks for their portion, but Sumitra asks that the vultures need to beg in front of her. Sumitra puts the Naagmani at a place and comes in her Naagin avatar. She calls some Naag’s too for keeping the Nagmani safely at this place. A Naag tried to touch the Naagmani but gets burned so no one can touch it except Sumitra.
Vikrant and Bela are really sad after losing Vishakha. They both are recalling the moments spend with Vish.
Precap: The guru reveals that Vish’s soul is not dead and is present. Vikrant calls Vish’s soul to kill Sumitra and her team.
Stay tuned for Naagin 3 updates.