The episode begins with Bela identifying that Tamsin drinks something before sunset. Mahir says that Tamsin is not in her room. Vish says to check the liquid in her room. All of them goes to Tamsin’s room. Vish checks the glass which is empty. Bela gets to know about the liquid which Tamsin drinks. (Check: Naagin 3 Written Update.)
Bela says that they need to have control over Tamsin. Bela is sitting with everyone and someone knocks at the door. Vish goes to open the door and all the Naag’s come there. They have come to invite Bela for a Mahayagya. They say that Bela is so powerful and no one has such powers other than her.
Tamsin says that she is the most powerful. Naag’s say that they don’t even know her. Tamsin introduces her as ‘Andhaka’ and calls herself a Shaitaan. All the Naag’s say that they have only heard about Naagrani. Tamsin says that from now they will consider her as a powerful Shaitaan. Mahir says that everything is happening according to their plan.

Sumitra is checking Tamsin’s dresses and Tamsin throws the dress. Tamsin burns the dress with her powers. Vish and Bela are watching Tamsin. One girl asks Tamsin not to burn the dresses as these are expensive. Tamsin says that she will burn a cheap thing and puts fire on the girl. The girl dies from the burning fire and comes out.
Bela helps her to get back into life and ask her to leave from there. Another girl is giving other dresses to Tamsin. Tamsin throws every dress and finds a dress which is good for her. Tamsin praises the dress and asks the lady to go from there.
Rohini comes down with the herbs and prepares it in the kitchen. Bela, Vish, and Vikrant go there to check her. Rohini prepares the drink for Tamsin. Rohini goes to take hot water for the drink and Vikrant comes there. Vikrant says that he is irritated from Tamsin as Vish always talk about her. V
ikrant says that he is from another team but irritated from it. Rohini says that he is right as Sumitra has made her Tamsin’s full-time servant. Vikrant says that Tamsin’s eyes are so black and scary. Vikrant keeps on a conversation with Rohini. Bela and Vish change the drink.
Bela keeps the drink, which will make Tamsin’s stomach upset and she will have to stay in the home. Sumitra comes over there and asks Rohini to do her work.
Sumitra asks Bela, Vish, and Vikrant about their work. Sumitra commands on Rohini to do her work. Vikrant says that Sumitra always commands on her. Sumitra asks Vish to come to her as she wants to check her. Vish is hiding the drink and keeps it there. Sumitra checks Vish, but couldn’t find anything.
Sumitra asks Vish to get out and she leaves from there. Rohini prepares the drink and takes it. Vish comes and checks that she has taken her own drink and it couldn’t be changed as Sumitra came over there.
Tamsin gets ready in her dress and the dress is very ugly. Rohini slips on a dress and the drink fall down. Tamsin gets angry on Rohini. Tamsin says that she has to drink it to get all her powers. Tamsin says that she will punish all of them and get her powers. Tamsin asks all of them to sit down and comes to Rohini to do something on her.
Tamsin does the same with Alek and Sumitra. All of them gets unconscious and fall down.
Vish and Vikrant reveal everything to Bela and Mahir. Bela says that Tamsin has taken power from Sumitra, Alek, and Rohini. Bela says that they will not change their plan and ask all of them to get everything ready.
Bela comes to Mahir and says that she won’t let anything happen to him. Mahir says that Bela is so powerful but he is worried about her. Mahir feels that something bad will happen tonight. Bela says that he should not be worried as everything will fine.
Bela and everyone go to the Mahayagya. All the Naag and Nagin’s greet Bela over there. Alek, Rohini, and Sumitra also come there with Tamsin. Rohini asks all the Naag’s to praise Andhaka as she is more powerful than their Naagrani. The grand function begins with all the celebrations. Tamsin also joins them to dance.
Two Naag’s take Tamsin on a chair and puts her at some corner. Bela comes over there and takes Tamsin. Vish and Vikrant take a burning arrow. Bela says that they will burn the bonfire within 3 minutes if Tamsin doesn’t go with her. Tamsin says that she is not afraid of it.
Bela says that it is Akhand Jyot’s fire which will not stop by anyone. Bela says that she knows Tamsin’s can be stuck with this only.
Bela holds Tamsin’s hand and Tamsin takes her hand off. Tamsin asks about her husband as she should not have left him alone. A crane is taking down Mahir who I roped and his mouth is completely covered. Vish and Vikrant are ready to throw the arrow and can’t see Mahir.
Tamsin says that Mahir is covered with the Bel leaves and she can’t do anything now. Tamsin says that only one minute is left now. Bela goes to stop Vish and Vikrant but they throw the burning arrow. The crane moves Mahir to the born-fire. Vish and Vikrant get shocked to see Mahir. Vish looks at Sumitra driving the crane.
Tamsin hit everyone over the place and they started running from there. Tamsin raises the fire towards Mahir who is hanging on the crane.
Precap: Bela shows her devotion to Lord Shiv to take the Naagmani to give it to Andhaka!