The episode begins with Bela and Mahir starting the pooja. Vish and Vikrant are holding Tamsin. Sumitra puts Haveli on fire along with Alek and Rohini. Bela says that the mantras will make the Hawan Kund fire extreme and a light will come out which should fall on Tamsin. (Check: Naagin 3 Written Updates.)
Bela begins with the mantras and asks everyone to repeat after her. They look at the Haveli catching huge fire and Bela ask them to complete the pooja first. All of them are chanting mantras and Tamsin is trying to go from there again and again. No one opens her and Tamsin ask Vish to leave her as it is painful to her. Bela asks Vish to hold Tamsin as it is for her sake.
Tamsin calls Vish as her mother and says that Vikrant will kill her. Tamsin says that all of them will burn her. Tamsin falls down and Vish opens all the ropes from her. Bela asks Vish to hold Tamsin and not leave her. Bela continues with the mantras and Vikrant and Mahir also follows her. A bright light comes from the Hawan Kund and Tamsin gets into senses.

Tamsin pushes Vish and hits Vikrant. Tamsin runs from the place, leaving behind all of them. Tamsin goes upstairs and no one could find her. Tamsin tries to hurt all of them. Vish and Vikrant get badly hurt. Mahir protects Bela and hides her. Tamsin comes down and leaves from there. Bela comes to Tamsin, but Tamsin blocks Mahir’s way.
Bela goes to save Mahir and can’t hold Tamsin. Tamsin comes out from the Haveli and Sumitra is happy to see her. The Haveli is burning like hell and Bela goes to save Mahir. Bela shouts for Vish and Vikrant. Vikrant gets into senses and takes Vish with him. Bela comes in her Naagin avatar and helps Mahir to get out from the fallen walls of him.
Tamsin is playing in her room. Sumitra comes with Alek and Rohini to Tamsin. Sumitra asks Tamsin about Bela and everyone in the Haveli. Tamsin puts four dolls on the floor and tries to hit them. Rohini says that she has put all of them in a line who are Bela, Mahir, Vish, and Vikrant. Tamsin says that she is right as they must have died.
Bela and Vish take out Mahir and Vikrant from the Haveli. Mahir is worried that everything has gotten spoiled.
Tamsin hit all the toys and Sumitra ask Tamsin not to kill Bela as she needs her. Tamsin says that it is not Sumitra who need Bela, but Tamsin herself needs Bela. Tamsin says that she doesn’t need Bela’s help, but the thing which she has till now. Tamsin says that Bela will stay alive.
Bela says that Tamsin needs something from her. Bela says that Tamsin knows that they all will get saved. Bela says that Tamsin was doing it to show her powers to them.
Tamsin says that she needs Naagmani from Bela. Sumitra was saying something, but Alek interrupted her. Sumitra changed her statement that Tamsin should get the Naagmani. Tamsin says that if she gets the Naagmani, then her powers will get completed.
Mahir says that Tamsin needs Naagmani from Bela. Vikrant says that it is not possible to change Tamsin. Bela says that she will protect Naagmani with all her efforts. Bela says that they should go home.
Alek and Rohini are serving food to Tamsin. Sumitra gets happy to see Bela and everyone in such a condition. Tamsin laughs at Bela and everyone. Tamsin says that all of them have just got saved from dying in the Haveli. Vikrant takes Mahir inside the house. Bela says to Tamsin that her plan has got to fail.
Tamsin says in a completely different voice that they are having hopes till now. Bela says that they are stupid not to leave any hope which Tamsin will understand she become older. Tamsin says that they think she is a little girl so now she will show them. Tamsin grows up in her great avatar. Tamsin says that don’t think she is a little girl as she is a Shaitaan.
Bela also grows bigger to her in her Naagin avatar. Bela says that she will talk in Tamsin’s Shaitaan language to her. Tamsin asks her to fight with her now. Bela agrees with her and Tamsin laughs at her.
Bela has gathered Vish, Vikrant, and Mahir to talk about Tamsin. Bela says that when Tamsin will reach at 18 years of age, then she will become very powerful. Bela says that they have the right time to change Tamsin.
Bela says that every night Tamsin has to increase her power and, in this case, she would be in the most vulnerable situation so they can handle her at that time. Bela says that they need to learn about that time now. Mahir goes from there thinking about something. Mahir brings CCTV footage of every room.
Mahir says that they can know about Tamsin’s sleeping time from these videos. Vish and Vikrant go to check the starting duration of the video. Vish and Vikrant couldn’t find anything in the video. Vish feels happy that Tamsin irritates Sumitra and her team a lot.
Mahir and Bela spend some quality time together. Vish and Vikrant come to them. Vikrant says that they don’t get to know anything as Tamsin doesn’t sleep. Bela and Mahir are watching Tamsin’s footage. Mahir says that she doesn’t even sleep for an hour. Bela looks at something in the video.
At the moment, Bela calls Vish and Vikrant to show it to them. Bela says that Tamsin is given a drink every sunset time.
Precap: Tamsin does something which Sumitra! Mahir feels that something bad is going to happen! Bela begs from Lord Shiv to save Mahir!