The episode begins with Shravani and Vish saying to Rocky and Ritik that Vish is the biggest landowner in the town and she is looking to expand her business. Rocky asks to start the music and take Vish forward to dance with her. Ritik asks Shravani to dance with him and they also dance at the party. (Check: Nagin 3 Written Updates.)
Ritik brings juice for Shravani and Rocky bring wine for Vish. Rocky asks from Vish that she was talking about land. Vish asks Shravani about the land valuation. Shravani says that it is 200-250 crores. Vish says that it is outside the city over Mud Island. Shravani says that people say it is a secretive temple.
Vish says that it is her father’s property and she is thinking to re-develop it. Rocky says that they can work as partners. Vish says that she doesn’t need partners as she has enough money. Vish and Shravani leave from there.

Rocky says to Ritik that they should become their partners. They come to Vish and Shravani and ask them to be their partners. Vish says that she doesn’t deal without showing the property. Ritik says that they can fix a date and come. Vish says that she has kept a party outside the temple so they can join them. Vish and Shravani leave from there.
Rocky and Ritik come to the secretive temple. Vish and Bela come over there in their Naagin avatar. Shravani says that they have made a plan to make them come inside the temple. Shravani ask them that why did they kill Maha Naagrani? Rocky and Ritik laugh at them.
Ritik says that they got aware when they were talking about Mud island. Rocky says that they will not reveal the answer to their question. Ritik and Rocky say that they have managed to bring them here to kill them. Rohini, Alek, and Sumitra also come there.
Sumitra calls Tamsee and she takes Mihir with her. Mihir shouts at Sumitra and Tanya that they have betrayed him.
Shravani says that the game has not ended yet and shouts at Rocky and Ritik to give her answer. Rohini and Alek trap Mihir. Tamsee asks Rocky and Ritik to kill Shravani. Vish comes ahead and hit them. Sumitra and Rohini slap Shravani. Alek comes and holds Vish to throw her down.
Shravani and Vish fall down. Shravani says to Vish that she is letting them do what they want as she has a motive behind it. Tamsee comes to Shravani and hit her to the wall. Alek and Rohini trap Vish along with Mihir.
Shravani falls down in an unconscious state. Sumitra says that she has another plan to take out Naagmani. Alek brings the snake charmer and everyone holds Shravani. Sumitra says that he is a Maha snake charmer who will make Shravani run on his tune. Tamsee shows the Naagmani to Shravani last time.
Shravani gets up to take the Naagmani and everyone tries to tease her. Shravani looks at Mihir and thinks that they will be together sometime. Tamsee hits Shravani with the Naagmani and she falls down.
The wind starts blowing and everyone gets back from Shravani. The curtain falls on Shravani’s body and she opens her eyes and looks at Maha Naagrani’s picture.
The door opens and three snakes come over there. Another snake comes from the Lord Shiv’s feet and it is Maha Naagrani Shivangi in her Naagin avatar. Shivangi comes down from the snake. The other snakes disappear from there. Shivangi comes to Shravani and cures her wounds.
Shravani comes into her senses and looks at the Maha Naagrani. Shivangi says that she can’t see such behavior happening with a Naagin.
Ritik comes out and everyone also comes there. Rocky says to her that she has come to take revenge. Shivangi says that she has not returned to take revenge but save Shravani. Sumitra calls Shivangi as a stupid Naagrani and everyone laughs at them.
Shivangi questions Rocky and Ritik that why did they betrayed and killed her? Rocky says that Ritik is her father as he can kill her. Rocky says that he never loves her so it wasn’t a betrayal. Shivangi moves forward and Tamsee asks her to control.
Tamsee asks her to remove the curse from the Naagmani and then do whatever she wants to do with Rocky and Ritik.
Shivangi denies touching the Naagmani. Rocky and Ritik laugh at her that they will kill them again. Shravani says that Maha Naagrani won’t help them. Shivangi says that till the Naagmani remains in their hands, then she won’t touch it. Sumitra asks the snake charmer to begin his tune. Other snake charmers also join him.
Shivangi and Shravani start dancing on the tune. Sumitra moves forward to make Shivangi touch the Naagmani and Bela hits her again. Tamsee moves forward to make Shivangi touch the Naagmani but Bela comes in front of her to hit her. Rocky takes the Naagmani and moves forward with Ritik.
Rocky manages to make Shivangi touch the Naagmani. The Naagmani starts shining and Rocky thanks Shivangi. Rocky throws the Naagmani upward and Shivangi catches it.
Shravani and Shivangi take the Naagmani up and the huge wind starts blowing. Ritik tries to take the Naagmani and Shivangi gets angry. The wind stops and Ritik says to Shivangi by joining his hand not to kill him.
Ritik says that he is his father so she should forgive him. Shivangi gets emotional and moves her hand to hold him. Ritik takes the Naagmani from her and hits Bela and Shivangi from it. Sumitra asks to trap both of them. Mahir and Vish also get trapped with Shravani and Shivangi.
Sumitra is holding the Naagmani and everyone thinks to take it. The snake charmer says that they should kill both Naagin’s as they are dangerous.
Precap: Shesha has also returned to fight with Shivangi! Yamini has trapped Shravani and Shivangi and tries to kill Shivangi.