The Naagin/Nagin 3 episode begins with Bela and Vikrant coming in their Naagin avatar and fighting with Hukum’s team. Hukum holds Vish and asks Bela to stop. Hukum throws away Vish and takes Bela with him. Hukum disappears with Bela and his team. Vikrant holds Vish and takes her with him as she is unconscious. (Check: Naagin 3 Written Update.)
Sumitra says that Hukum has killed Huzoor and starts laughing as she is happy to see Huzoor dead. Sumitra asks Yuvi to bring Alek and Rohini back to this house. Yuvi says that if Hukum has killed Huzoor, then it is a shocking thing. Sumitra asks Yuvi to throw Huzoor’s dead body in the garbage.
Hukum is taking Bela with him. Bela denies that he can’t get the Naagmani. Hukum says that he can easily get the Naagmani, but wants to become the strongest person. Vish and Vikrant are searching for Bela everywhere. Vish says that they don’t even know about Hukum.

Vikrant says that Hukum is not a human being or a Naag, but a devil who take birth after many years. Vikrant says that such devils are very powerful and strong. Vikrant says that he got to know this when Hukum said the name of ‘Andakasur.’
Vikrant says that Hukum wants Bela to give birth to his son Andakasur and control the whole world with his powers. Vikrant says that Bela will fight with him as Lord Shiv has blessed her. Sumitra is asking the servants to decorate the house. Yuvi comes with the candles and asks about the decorations. Sumitra says to Yuvi that she is doing all this for Mahir’s brother.
Bela comes in her room and Mahir hugs her tightly. Bela says that she doesn’t want to talk about whatever happened. Mahir asks Bela to stay with him always and not leave her alone. Mahir asks her to promise him. Bela asks Mahir to bring something to eat as she is hungry.
Vish and Vikrant come inside the room and Mahir look at them. Bela comes downstairs and both of them gets happy to see her. Bela asks Vish about her wound. Vikrant says that Bela was present there so she should be aware of it. Bela says that she knows this and she is just worried about the wound.
Hukum takes Bela at some place. Hukum has trapped Bela with his magic. Hukum asks Bela to give birth to his baby and he has sent a fake Bela in her house. Hukum brings a bottle and opens it around everywhere. Bela gets unconscious after smelling it. Bela tries to hit Hukum, but she couldn’t do anything.
The fake Bela asks Vish and Vikrant about any plan for Hukum. Vish says that she herself was making a plan. Mahir asks about Hukum as he can help to make a plan. The fake Bela asks Mahir to keep his mouth shut on this matter. Everyone gets shocked to see this behavior. Bela apologizes from Mahir for such rude behavior.
Vish says that she has a plan, but Mahir hits her leg and shows her some sign to keep silent. Vish says that she has got hurt in her leg.
Mahir asks Vikrant for a drink. The fake Bela goes to take the ice for them. Vish gets up and goes with her. Vish receives a text message from Mahir and he asks her to engage Bela for some time. Vish says that they should prepare a list about Hukum. Vish says that Hukum is an Ichadaari Naag and his nails are dangerous.
Mahir says to Vikrant that it is fake Bela. Mahir asks him to tell everything to Vish and take her to his room. The fake Bela comes with the ice and Mahir holds her.
Vikrant calls Vish and reveals everything. He asks her to come into Mahir’s room and Mahir is also coming with the fake Bela.
Mahir comes into his room and closes the light. Mahir holds the fake Bela from behind and calls Vish along with Vikrant. Vish and Vikrant come in their Naagin avatar. Mahir holds the fake Bela and asks about Bela. The fake Bela disappears from the place. Mahir runs to find Bela, but Vish and Vikrant try to stop him.
Hukum is coming close to Bela. Bela asks Hukum to show his face to her. Hukum removes his outfit and Bela gets shocked to see him. He is a burning identity and Bela asks him to hide his face. Huzoor makes Bela see in his eyes and says that she will come to him on her own. Huzoor release Bela to leave and says that he will meet her soon. Bela goes outside the place.
Mahir, Vish, and Vikrant are finding Bela in the jungle. Vish tries to get directions towards Bela, but couldn’t know about her. Mahir gets irritated and is worried about Bela. Bela falls down between them, but she is unconscious. Mahir holds her and Bela says that Hukum is very dangerous. They take away Bela with them. They come to the house and gets shocked to see all the decorations.
Mahir puts Bela down and Vish brings water for her. Vikrant goes to take medicine for her. Bela gets up and Vish says that she should relax. Bela leaves everyone and goes upstairs. Mahir follows her to the upstairs.
Mahir is talking with Bela and asks about everything. Bela avoids Mahir as she is lost in her thoughts and worried. Mahir questions about Hukum that he did anything to her? Bela gets angry and says that he wants to know whether Hukum has done what he wants with her! Mahir says that he wants to know about Bela. She asks him to leave alone for some time. Mahir leaves from the place.
Vish asks Vikrant and Mahir to trust Bela. Mahir says that her face reveals that something is abnormal. Vish says that Bela is doing this to keep Mahir away from all this. Bela is sleeping, but wakes up after recalling everything happened. She recalls Mahir and gets up to talk with him.
Bela comes down to talk with Mahir. She looks at Hukum and gets scared about it. Bela moves back from him and hits with the vase. Bela throws everything at him to get away. Bela hides at a place and is about to throw something. Someone comes and shouts not to hit him. Mahir comes behind and introduces his brother Ritik to Bela. Mahir asks Bela that she looks worried. Bela says that she just had a bad dream. Ritik says that he might be there in her dream.
No precap…