The semifinal episode of Splitsvilla 11 started with Fahad & Mehek and Maera & Anshuman giving another opportunity to prove their worth. Anshuman praised himself and asked the safe couples to choose him as he will be a better choice for them and audience too. The two couples – Fahad-Mehek and Anshuman-Maera pleaded the semifinalists to lend them a chance for the semifinale. (Check: Naagin 3.)
Fahad and Gaurav had difference of opinions and thus, a big argument took place between them. Kabeer thought that Gaurav doesn’t stand a chance against Fahad as he is a great performer. So, Gaurav won’t choose him for the next round. Kabhir & Anushka voted for Fahad & Mehek, but Gaurav-Shruti & Shagun-Samyuktha chose Anushuman & Maera for the semi-finale.
It seems that Fahad won a true friend in Kabir as he wanted the same from Splitsvilla season 11. Ex-contestants had come to cheer the semi-finale contestants. Rohan gave a “My Queen” written ring to Shruti, and she got flattered receiving it. He purposed her by going down on one knee. Both of them appeared happy.

Aarushi asked Fahad that what has he done without her. Things got a little intense as Dutta said to Fahad that he will lose without her and he has. She seemed happy to see him out of the villa. Based on the number of votes, Anshuman and Maera got to be back in the game, then they chose a partner for themselves, but with a catch. Anshuman chose Roshni while Maera chose Rohan.
The catch was that only one couple will go into the semi-finale as there is place for only four couples. Then, ex-Splitsvillans got to decide who goes in and who goes out. Majority of the ex-contestants chose Anshuman and Roshni for the semi-final round. So, Rohan and Maera got out. Anshuman got an opportunity to perform with Roshni.
By this time, the four couples for the semi-finale task were finalized and they were – Shagun-Samyuktha, Gaurav-Shruti, Kabir-Anushka, and Anshuman-Roshni. All of these four couple had to compete against each other to get themselves a place in the finale. The task was titled – The Tower of Love. First of all, the couples had to lift a coconut with the backs without using their hands. Secondly, they have to basket it into the other side by carrying it to the other end.
Everybody performed well except Kabir and Anushka. Now, it was the time for the second task in the game. Two winning couples will get a ticket to the final round. This task required adequate physical strength. Shagun and Samyuktha completed the task with ease. They successfully collected four coconuts, climbed up the wall with good co-ordination and managed to put break two hearts with the collected coconuts while rappling down from a height.
Anshuman and Roshni were able to score three coconuts into the heart-shaped boxes. They struggled while climbing the wall and fell down. As a result, they couldn’t complete the challenge. Shagun and Samyuktha completed the task flawlessly. But, Roshni and Anshuman failed to do the task. Shruti and Gaurav struggled a bit, but managed to pull off the climbing task. But, they couldn’t break into the heart-shaped boxes.
Kabir and Anushka couldn’t coordinate properly once again. They didn’t seem to be getting along. Performance wise, they weren’t up to the mark. Shagun-Samyuktha and Gaurav-Shruti completed both the legs while the other two couples couldn’t. It looked like that they would be going to the finale of Splitsvilla XI.
Rannvijay announced the semi-finale winners and they were indeed – Gaurav & Shruti and Shagun & Samyuktha.