Moon Knight Episode 7 Canceled or Renewed? Konshu Easter Eggs

Fans would not be seeing Oscar Isaac playing a double role in Moon Knight Episode 7. Oscar Isaac took everyone’s breath away with flawless expressions in Episode 6, which streamed on Disney+ Today. However, there will be no Oscar Isaac in Moon Knight Episode 7.

Moon Knight was only scheduled for six episodes in the first season. There was no space in the storyline for another episode. While the first three episodes of Marvel’s Moon Knight slowly followed the story, Episode 6 was action-packed. Moon Knight was possibly the only Marvel production with minimal superficial activities in the first five episodes.

Moon Knight Episode 7 Canceled or Renewed


As a piece of unfortunate news for Moon Knight, Steven, and Marc fans – Moon Knight Episode 7 will not be renewed. The series was originally set for only 6 episodes, and the makers decided to stick with the plan.

Why Moon Knight Episode 7 is canceled: Despite being a big hit, Marvel usually analyses the possibility of bringing the character into the MCU. The response to the first six episodes of Moon Knight would decide the possibility of the show joining for another renewal in MCU.

Easter Eggs for Moon Knight Episode 7 

Since you’re already here and episode 7 of Moon Knight is not happening, here are some of the facts you might have missed in Episode 6, which tells a lot about Konshu, Tawaret, Marc, and Steven.

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Konshu Loved Marc after all: Steven/ Marc wasn’t just another body full of rage for Konshu. He proved that in the last scene in the World’s Worst Taxi. Khonshu was wearing Steven’s outfit. He loves Steven, after all.

Tawaret might be a villain in the story: We all loved Tawaret’s character and her cheerfulness. But it shouldn’t be ignored that Tawaret finally got what she always wanted. She got control of Layla’s body. There was zero explanation behind how outnumbered Moon Knight won against Arthur and his supporters. Tawaret was there, and she definitely did something which was out of anyone’s wildest dream.

Tawaret and Layla were missing in the subsequent scenes, and only the lives of Marc, Steven, Ammit, and Konshu were shown.

Another theory governs that Konshu could’ve wanted all the power for himself, but that is an unlikely opinion because MCU somehow more or less follows a Comic storyline.

We know that Konshu’s superpowers included controlling the night while Ammit used to see the future and punish anyone who might do wrong in the future. But there was no explanation behind Tawaret’s powers or motives.