Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images

Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images
Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images

Internationally Left Handers’ Day is celebrated on August 13 every year. It was first observed in 1976 to promote awareness for left handed individuals. It also showcases the average day to day products catered towards right handed people. (Check: Eid Mubarak Wishes.)

Though nearly all the things are made for right-handed people, and lefties have to live in the world designed for righties, still being a lefty is still an awesome thing after-all. Initially, they struggle with many things, for example – spiral notebooks, binders, butter knives, driver’s cup holder, keyboards, game controllers, etc.

As per the estimates, approximately 10 percent of the world’s population is left handed. So, yeah, in a way, they are special personalities as they are not much found. So, in order to celebrate those extra-ordinary species or say unique individuals, we have brought you some hilarious quotes about lefties.

Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images

Left Handers Day Quotes: Left Handed Funny Quotes


  1. Life without left-handed people wouldn’t be right. C.R. Manske
  2. When nothing goes right… go left. Anonymous
  3. I may be left handed, but I am always right. Anonymous
  4. God made everyone right-handed, the truly gifted overcome it. Anonymous
  5. If the left half of the brain controls the right half of the body then only left handed people are in the right mind. W.C. Fields
  6. Everybody is born left handed. You become right handed after your first sin. Anonymous
  7. Lefties – in great demand but limited supply! Anonymous
  8. Left-handers are wired into the artistic half of the brain, which makes them imaginative, creative, surprising, ambiguous, exasperating, stubborn, emotional, witty, obsessive, infuriating, delightful, original, but never, never, dull. James T deKay
  9. To be hated cordially, is only a left-handed compliment. Herman Melville
  10. Left handers don’t just write differently, we also think differently. Anonymous

Left Handed People Facts

Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images

  1. Make Up Roughly 12% of the Population
  2. More Likely to Have Allergies
  3. More Prone to Migraines
  4. More Likely to Suffer Sleep Deprivation
  5. Use the Right Side of the Brain the Most
  6. More Likely To Be Alcoholics
  7. Have Higher Intelligence Levels
  8. Tend to Reach Puberty 4 to 5 Months Later Than Right Handers
  9. More Likely to Suffer Language Problems
  10. More Likely to Be Male
  11. Better at Multi-Tasking
  12. Live on Average 9 Years Less than Righties
  13. 39% More Likely to be Homosexual
  14. Recover From Strokes Faster
  15. Left Handed Pens Are a Thing! Who Knew!?
  16. Have an Advantage In Certain Sports
  17. Draw Figures Facing to the Right
  18. More Likely to Pursue Creative Careers
  19. Of the 8 Most Recent U.S Presidents, 5 Were Left Handed
  20. Some People Are Scared of Left-Handedness!
  21. Adjust to Seeing Underwater Quicker
  22. Less Able to Roll Their Tongue
  23. Nails Grow Faster on Your Dominant Hand

Left Handers’ Day Images

Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images Left Handed People Facts: Left Handers Day Funny Quotes, Wishes, Greetings & Images

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