The episode begins with Rekha says to Sandhya that something bad is about to happen. The light turns off and Rekha asks Sandhya to check whether everyone is fine or not. Kartik and Vishal are going to check the light. Prem gets scared and shouts for Mumma. Ruhi says that she is with him. (Check: Kawach Written Updates.)
Malini and Balraj also come out to check the light. Sandhya says to Kartik to gather everyone in the hall. Someone with big nails comes to Jolly’s room and Jolly starts shouting. Kartik also gets hit on his hand and the gun falls. Sandhya runs with Ruhi and Prem to the hall, but someone stands in front of them.
He hits Ruhi and they run to the hall. Rekha hears some voice and a yellow liquid falls on her face. Rekha looks up and gets shocked to see someone over there. Everyone gathers in the hall and Buaji says that she has seen yellow eyes. Sandhya questions about Angad and everyone starts calling him.

Rekha also comes downstairs and the light turns on. Rekha is covered in blood and Kartik shots a gun on her. Rekha gets unconscious and falls. Sandhya and Kartik take Rekha to the hospital. Angad also follows them, but he couldn’t move ahead from the Suraksha Kawach. Angad says that he will take care of everyone at the home.
Sandhya says to Kartik that he should not have hit Rekha. Akhil also comes there and consoles them. Vishal leaves from the house. Angad recalls when he has mixed something in Rekha’s Ganga Jal. Angad receives a call from Sandhya and she informs him to stay alert. Angad says that he will take care of everyone and starts laughing.
Rekha’s operation is performed successfully and she comes into senses. Kartik, Sandhya, and Akhil come over there. Kartik says that the spirit has killed the priests also. Rekha says that a vampire is present in the house.
Malini thinks to talk with Angad about Rekha. Malini hears some voices from Angad’s room. Malini looks inside the room from the window. Malini gets shocked to see Angad turning into a vampire. Malini gets shocked that Angad disappears and hears some voice from the kitchen.
Rekha says to Sandhya that the vampire is always hungry for meat as they can smell it from a far distance. Rekha says that the vampire also heats human meat. Malini looks at Angad eating meat badly.
Rekha says that they need to trap the vampire and it is not an easy job. Rekha says that if any person gets stuck with a vampire’s control, then it is very tough to rescue from it. Rekha says that vampires come as per their wish and leave only when they want. Rekha says that vampires leave after killing the person who they control.
Buaji and Usha come to the Mandir and prays to Lord Shiva. Angad comes outside the Mandir but can’t enter inside so he leaves from there. Buaji feels that someone was there but can’t see anyone outside the Mandir. Malini gets worried to find out Angad. Angad says to Prem that he is lucky as Bhau needs him.
Jolly sense that he is coming and get scared. Angad comes in his room and calls Jolly outside. Angad says that he can breathe his blood and meat so he should come out as he is hungry. Jolly ties him with a chain, but he removes it. Angad grabs his neck and hits badly. Angad takes Jolly outside of his leg, but Jolly hits him with an injection.
Angad starts getting unconscious and falls on Jolly. Malini comes over there and gets shocked to see Angad. Malini asks Angad to come back to sense.
Sandhya, Kartik, and Akhil return home. Jolly attacks them that he will kill everyone. Sandhya says that Fufaji might be in the control of the vampire. Everyone comes over there. Jolly attacks Akhil with the marks. Kartik denies that Jolly Fufaji’s body is not controlled by the spirit.
Sandhya questions about Angad and everyone comes to Jolly’s room. Sandhya questions Malini what has happened to Angad as he is lying unconscious? Malini says that she was just trying to control Jolly Fufaji with Angad’s help. Malini says that Jolly Fufaji attacked Angad with the injection.
Everyone is waiting for Angad to come into senses. Sandhya takes Kartik with him to find the person who is attacked by the spirit. Sandhya goes to take meat, but can’t find it. Kartik says that the vampire might have eaten it so he goes to bring more from the store. Malini gets worried that she should stop everyone from finding Angad in the vampire’s avatar.
Malini says to Balraj that they need to save Angad. Malini says that Angad is being controlled by the vampire. Malini gets shocked to see that Angad disappears from the bed. Angad grabs Balraj’s neck and Malini shout at him to stop. Angad grows his nails to hit Malini. Malini hits Angad from behind.
Angad grabs Malini’s neck but falls into an unconscious state. Kartik brings meat and keeps it in the room. Malini denies Balraj not to tell anything about Angad to anyone. Both of them ties Angad in the storeroom and give him the injection. Sandhya, Akhil, and Kartika are waiting to trap the vampire.
Malini decides to get trapped in Sandhya’s trap. Malini takes the meat and starts eating it. Sandhya and Kartik get shocked to see her and close the door. Malini shouts at them to open the gate. Balraj feels sad for Malini that she is doing all this to save Angad.
Malini says to Balraj that when she gets satisfied that Angad is safe, then she will tell the truth to everyone. Sandhya says to everyone that all the Suhagans’ need to make 108 Shivling, then Lord Shiv and Gauri Ma will bless them.
No precap!