The episode begins with Angad questions Sandhya how come the witch enters their house. Ankit recalls when the Suraksha Kawach got erased due to Jolly Uncle. Rekha says that the witch can come in anyone’s body. Ruhi gets attacked by the witch. (Check: Kawach Written Updates.)
Aastha and Prem get scared after hearing the scream noise. Prem asks Aastha to hide in the cupboard and he will call mom. Rekha says to Angad that the witch is not able to enter a locked room.
Rekha says that when a lady is about to give birth to a baby, but she dies or someone kills her in the pregnancy stage, then the lady turns evil and becomes a powerful witch. Rekha says that they can find a solution in her book, but the book is in her room. Sandhya says that they have to bring the book. Angad goes to bring Aastha and Prem. Angad asks Vinayak to inform everyone about the witch in the house.

Ankit informs Akhil and Kartik about the witch. The witch comes to them in Ruhi’s avatar. Kartik and Akhil get shocked to see Ruhi as a witch in the mirror. Kartik says that they have to go and inform everyone, but the witch stops them.
Rekha reads the book that the witch doesn’t leave anyone easily. Rekha reads that the witch loses her power in front of the kids. Sandhya says that it means Prem and Aastha are not at much risk. Rekha reads that they have to bury the witch’s body and cover it with a Lord Shiv’s idol.
Prem knocks at the door and Sandhya goes to open it. Rekha says that Prem has powers so he can himself enter the room. Sandhya starts acting that she had gotten hurt. Prem opens the door and gets happy to see Sandhya. Prem says to Sandhya that he heard someone’s shouting voice. Sandhya goes outside to inform Angad about everything.
Angad comes to Aastha’s room and finds her in the cupboard. Aastha says that they heard someone’s shouting voice so Prem has gone to call mom. Sandhya informs Angad to make a grave and get the witch buried under it.
Angad consoles Aastha and gives her Lord Shiv’s idol. Angad asks Aastha to lock the room and doesn’t open it for anyone. Angad tears a page that she should open the gate when he slides the paper inside the room.
Sandhya comes to her room. Ankit and Vinayak leave to help Angad. Usha asks Sandhya whether kids are fine? Sandhya says that she will not leave Usha now and turns into a witch.
Angad and Sandhya come downstairs. Vinayak and Ankit get scared that the witch is with Usha. Sandhya says that they should keep them safe to end the witch. Ankit asks Angad to prove that he is Angad and takes him to the temple.
Angad’s torn page flew away and Sandhya takes it. Sandhya goes to check Aastha and Aastha recalls when her father asked her not to open the gate until the page slides inside her room. Aastha asks Sandhya to show her the password. Sandhya questions about the password and asks for a clue?
Aastha tells that it is her drawing’s paper. Sandhya slides the paper and Aastha opens the gate. Sandhya hugs Aastha. Angad questions Sandhya why didn’t she entered the temple? Sandhya says that he doubts her. Sandhya turns into a witch and says to Angad that he couldn’t save anyone else.
Prem runs outside the room to meet her mom. Rekha goes behind him. Prem says that he can help everyone in the family. A crow comes over there and Rekha says that it is her Shobha Bua. Prem makes the crow turn into Shobha with his powers. Shobha gets happy that she is fine now. The witch comes over there to take Prem.
The witch grabs Rekha and Shobha’s neck to kill them. Prem prays to Lord Shiva to help them and turns the witch into powder with his powers. Shobha’s stomach starts paining and the witch returns. The witch turns into a group of crows and hits Shobha. Shobha starts having labor pain.
The witch comes to Malini and Balraj and makes them crow. Rekha comes to Aastha’s room with Prem and Shobha. Sandhya opens the gate and helps Shobha deliver her baby. Buaji knocks at the door and Aastha asks her something as a clue to open the gate. Buaji says that the witch has made everyone turn into a crow.
Angad, Ankit, and Vinayak prepare a grave for the witch. The witch takes Ruhi to eat her. Shobha delivers the baby and the witch hears the baby’s voice. The witch asks everyone to give her the baby and she will leave. Buaji thinks to save everyone and give the baby to the witch. Shobha starts crying to give her baby back.
Sandhya comes downstairs with Prem and the small baby. The witch gets happy to see the baby. Sandhya says that she will give the baby once the baby’s father sees him. Sandhya gives the baby to Ankit. Sandhya says that she has a plan and makes a doll prepare like the baby. Prem uses the remote to fool the witch with the doll.
Sandhya says to the witch that the baby’s father is not giving the baby back to her. The witch hits Sandhya and goes to take the baby. The witch asks Ankit to give her the baby. Ankit says that he will kill his baby instead of giving it to a witch.
Ankit throws the baby in the grave and the witch starts crying after seeing this. The witch tries to come inside the temple and go into the grave. The witch grabs the baby but gets to know that it is not real. Prem uses his powers to bury the witch under the grave. Everyone gets happy that all of them are safe.
Precap: Bhau sends someone to enter Sandhya’s house. The girl conducts a drama and Ruhi takes her inside the house. Bhau attacks on Kartik!