The episode begins with Aastha’s Roti snatched by someone. Aastha starts shouting and Sandhya runs to her along with everyone. Aastha is crying badly and feels scared that someone is there. Aastha says that someone is behind the car. Sandhya looks down and a small kid is hiding under the car. (Check: Kawach Written Updates.)
Sandhya calls him Prem and ask to come out. The kid comes out of the car. Sandhya gets emotional after seeing Prem. Sandhya informs Angad about Prem. The counselor comes to check Prem into the room, but he is hiding under the bed. Sandhya and everyone look at all the activity with a camera placed in the room.
Prem climbs and goes up on the cupboard. The counselor asks whether the doll is his mother. Angad and Shobha come over there and gets emotional to see Prem. The counselor informs everyone that the child is not normal. She says that the child has lived apart from human lives and so he gets scared after seeing any human.

She says that the child calls the doll as his mother. The counselor says that they will perform some tests and then decide whether the child belongs to them or not. A servant comes to give food to Prem in his room and torture him for the food. Prem calls her mother from the doll. The light starts blinking and the door gets closed.
Sakshi comes over there and kills the servant. Prem takes away the food and eats it. Jolly is shouting badly as he is tied with the chains. Buaji asks the servant to go and check him. The servant goes inside and puts an injection on him so that he sleeps.
Another servant comes to clean Prem’s room and gets shocked to see a servant lying dead over there. He calls the doctor to check the dead servant. The doctor questions Prem about who killed the servant? The doctor says that the child looks scared and the servant might have with an accident.
Sandhya comes to meet Prem’s doctor. A servant takes the child out of the bed and question who killed the servant? He was shouting at Prem and was about to beat him. Sandhya comes over there and warns the servant. Prem holds Sandhya and Sandhya gets emotional. Sandhya hugs him and Prem calls his mother.
Prem calls his mother again and again. Sandhya gives chocolate to Prem but he doesn’t take it. Sandhya opens the chocolate and asks him to eat. Prem takes the chocolate and looks at Sakshi denying him. Sandhya looks behind and can’t see anyone. Prem goes under the bed and denies to his mother.
Prem looks at Sakshi and ask to leave, but Sandhya can’t find anyone. Sandhya complaints to the doctor about the staff. The doctor says that she will talk with the staff and informs her about the DNA report which matched with the kid. Sandhya gets happy to get proof for taking Prem home.
Sandhya comes out to talk with Angad about the report. She hears the staff talking with each other that a servant died in Prem’s room and he has spent a night with the dead body which is tough for the kid. Sandhya goes to the doctor and talks about the dead body in Prem’s room. She says that her child is scared about it.
She says that she is taking the kid with her and no one can stop her. The doctor says that she can’t take the kid without police’s permission. Sandhya calls Angad and informs that she is going to the police station. She says that Prem is not safe at the place. Angad also runs to the police station.
Prem was about to eat the chocolate and gets scared to see Sakshi over there. Sakshi says that she will punish him for calling Sandhya as his mother. Sakshi punishes Prem and he keeps on asking her to stop.
Sandhya comes to the police station to take permission from Kartik. Kartik denies permission. Angad also comes there and Sandhya asks him to take the permission from Kartik. Sandhya informs the incident happened with Prem. Angad says that he will arrange things for the kid since he is not normal.
Sandhya says that when Prem with life with him, then only he will become normal. The doctor is applying for medicine on Prem’s wound as he got hit with the cupboard. Prem bites on her hand. Sandhya comes over there and question about the wound. Prem runs from there along with his doll.
Angad and Kartik are also looking at everything. Sandhya question Prem who has beaten him? Sandhya question the doctor about his wounds. The doctor says that no one has hurt him. Sandhya says that the doctor is lying so she will take Prem with her. Angad and Kartik also get ready to take Prem.
Sandhya questions Prem whether he will come along with her to their house. Prem says house and takes his doll. Sandhya and Angad come home along with Prem. Sandhya introduced Prem to everyone. Sandhya says that he will take time to interact with everyone. Angad’s father was taking his doll and Prem bites him badly.
Malini says that he is just an animal. Sandhya apologizes that she will teach him everything. Prem goes upstairs and Sandhya follows him but can’t find him.
Prem comes to Jolly’s room and Jolly holds him badly. Jolly was about to hit Prem with a chain, but Sakshi holds his chain. Jolly starts screaming after seeing Sakshi. Prem goes to hide behind Sakshi.
Sandhya hears Jolly Fufaji’s voice and goes to check Prem over there. Sandhya and hugs Prem. Angad and everyone come there. Jolly says that she has returned but no one can see anyone.
Precap: Malini denies Angad that the kid can’t stay in the house. Prem hits Aastha and Malini asks Sandhya to take away Prem. Angad denies accepting Prem as his child. Sandhya gets emotional to know this and hugs Prem!