The episode begins with Rekha inviting Shakini to show her face. Rekha comes to the place and calls Shakini. Rekha goes back in 1992 to know Shakini’s past. Rekha looks at a lady crying and looks at her past. Rekha looks that Shakini’s husband used to beat her. (Check: Kawach Written Updates.)
Rekha questions Shakini what has happened with her? Rekha looks at her past when Shakini’s husband burned her alive. Shakini holds Rekha’s neck and says that every man will become a doll in Sandhya’s house after the sunset. Shakini says that it is Angad’s turn now.
Rekha comes in senses and says to everyone that Shakini’s husband burned her alive so she hates every man. Rekha says to Sandhya that they have to beat Shakini or else everyone will become a doll and now it’s Angad’s turn. Malini says that she will give Prem to Bhau. Sandhya denies that she will not give Prem.

Two priests come to the house and look at a crow coming towards them. The priests ring the bell and Shakini comes over there. Sandhya opens the gate and gets shocked to see the priests in the doll. Angad also gets shocked. Buaji puts Ganga Jal on the dolls to make them come back.
Angad decides to do something. Angad goes to his room and Sandhya questions what is he doing? Angad says that he will go to Shakini. Malini and everyone deny him not to go. Sandhya tries to stop Angad but he goes to his room and locks the door.
Angad calls Shakini to come in front of him. Sandhya goes to pray to Lord Shiva. Sandhya starts the prayer and prays to save her husband. Shakini comes to Angad’s room. Shakini holds Angad from behind. Shakini asks Angad to look at her face. Angad turns behind and closes his eyes.
Prem and Aastha also start praying to Lord Shiv along with Sandhya. Angad looks at Shakini’s face, which is burned badly. Shakini says to Angad that he is feeling bad with her face. Shakini says that she will take Angad with her. Angad holds Shakini’s hand to stop her.
Angad says to Shakini that no one has seen her eyes, which is filled with pain. Angad says that she has felt a lot of pain from someone whom she always loved. Angad says to her that every man should respect women. Angad says that he is not scared of her as he looks at her heart which is clean.
Rekha takes everyone with her. Angad says to Shakini that he is not lying as he knows about her husband who pained her a lot. Angad says that she should leave her family for her love. Angad says that he will come with her.
Shakini asks Angad to hug her. Angad hugs her and the lady comes back in her real face when she was beautiful. Shakini says to Angad that she has never seen a person like him who released her spirit. Shakini says that she is going, but Bhau will not stop.
Rekha tells everyone that Shakini’s spirit has got the spirit. Everyone returns to normal being from the dolls. Sandhya gets happy to see them and goes to find Angad. Sandhya hugs Angad and says that he has saved everyone. Angad says that he has done everything with love.
Angad says to Sandhya that Bhau will send Shakini’s until she doesn’t give Prem to him. Malini hears them and takes Prem with her. Malini says to everyone that Bhau will send more spirits if he doesn’t get Prem. Malini throws Prem out from the house. Prem shouts for Mom and Dad.
Sandhya and Angad come to Prem. Sandhya apologizes from Prem for everything. Everyone says to Malini that they will fight with Bhau. Malini says that she will leave the house if Prem will stay in the house. Balraj goes to talk with Malini.
Malini starts packing her bag and shuts her door. Malini hears some weird noise but can’t find anyone. Malini looks at something under the blanket. Malini questions who’s hiding in the blanket? Sandhya, Angad, and Balraj come to talk with Malini. Malini shouts after removing the blanket.
Angad breaks the door and they get shocked to see Malini lying unconscious and her body has changed into green color. Rekha senses someone’s presence in her room. Rekha draws a sketch and gets shocked to see a hand sketch of a small kid.
Everyone gets shocked to see the green hand’s print on the door. Rekha comes down and looks at it. Angad tells everyone that Aastha and Prem are painting the walls. Ruhi takes Aastha and Prem to wash their hands. Prem denies that it is not his hand.
Rekha puts her hand on the paint to sense it. Rekha feels that the green color comes to her and her eyes start bleeding in the mirror. Rekha looks at green footprints and follows it. Rekha comes to her room following the footprints. Sandhya goes to check Rekha into her room.
Rekha looks at a crow in her room and goes to tell Sandhya about it but the door gets closed. Rekha looks at the ceiling and a small monster is there. Sandhya looks that Rekha has slept. Rekha also turns green.
The monster comes in Jolly’s room. Jolly says that he will kill everyone. Ankit and Balraj come to control him. Ankit puts an injection on Jolly to make him sleep. Sandhya greets Kartik as he was leaving. Sandhya closes the lights and the monster stand behind her. The small monster says that he will not leave anyone in the house.
Precap: Sandhya says to Angad that Bhau will do something. Aastha gets scared and calls for Mom. Malini gets to wake up. Rekha questions who have torn the page from the book as only humans can touch it!