The episode begins with Sandhya hearing comes voices after holding the nuptial thread. Pandit Ji declares the wedding day within the week and after that, there is no day before 2 years. Angad’s father says that he is happy with it. (Check: Kawach Written Updates.)
Sandhya’s relative says that there is a ritual of praying and if the ritual gets broken, then they won’t be having any relation with Sandhya’s family. Angad’s father agrees with the relative that the marriage will be conducted according to their rituals. Everyone gets happy and starts sharing sweets with each other.
Sandhya is worried that why did she saw the lady and blood when she touched the nuptial thread! She recalls that Ranju has taken it so she leaves a message for her. Everyone is busy making all the wedding preparations.

Sandhya’s family is going to the place and thinks of visiting a temple which comes in their route. They reach the temple and everyone gets down. Everyone takes the temple for prayer and Sandhya is left alone. Sandhya’s family goes around the car and they are waiting for Sandhya.
Sandhya is praying about her fear and hears a scary voice calling her name. Sandhya looks back and can’t see anything. She hears the voice again and gets scared after looking up. She looks at women hanging there and her prayer doesn’t get completed. Sandhya’s family says that there is nothing and takes her with them.
Sandhya and Angad’s family had gathered for the ring ceremony. Sandhya gets haunted by the ghost everywhere, but she keeps calm. Sandhya’s friend takes her for her Mehendi ceremony. A lady says that they are always scared about a soul who was married but not happy and she comes to every girl’s wedding.
The lady says that something happens when she comes! Everyone changes the topic and Sandhya’s Mehendi ceremony is done.
Sandhya’s friend asks her to sit in her room until they call her for the next ritual. Sandhya is alone in her room and the window gets open. Sandhya looks that there is no one and closes the window. The window opens again and she goes to check it. Sandhya closes it again but looks at Ranju over there.
She opens the window, but there is no one. She thinks that Ranju might have come to surprise her and starts finding her. Sandhya looks at her in the mirror and runs behind her. She comes into the room, but Ranju is not there and the door gets closed.
Sandhya tries to open the door and hears the voice of the lady saying that she didn’t call her to her wedding! Sandhya gets scared and looks at her back, but no one is there. Sandhya’s friends come and take her for the ritual.
Angad asks everyone to wait for his best friend Kapil as he can’t perform the ring ceremony without him. Sandhya says to Angad that Kapil is more important than her. He says that she will also value him after knowing him. Angad’s family asks Sandhya to perform a dance.
Kapil comes to the house and Angad says to Sandhya that he will introduce her to Kapil. At the moment, the lights turn off and it is completely dark. Kapil meets Sandhya in the dark. Sandhya looks at him with the candle and gets shocked that he was the same man in the temple on Shivratri.
Sandhya and Angad get engaged. Sandhya keeps looking to Kapil.
Ranjana’s father is worried about his daughter and goes to the ring ceremony to know about her. The driver stops his car and says that they have to pray in the temple before entering the place. Ranjana’s father denies to perform it and ask his driver to leave.
Ranjana’s father reaches to the ceremony. Sandhya’s father asks him not to disturb anyone today. Angad’s relative hears all this and says that they will find his daughter. Ranjana’s father says that he will leave now, but Angad’s relative forces him to stay.
Kapil is dancing over there and Sandhya is also there with him dancing. Angad comes in between them to dance with Sandhya.
Sandhya gets a call from Ranjana and she goes to a corner to hear her. She hears the ghost saying that why didn’t she call her at the wedding? Sandhya looks at the ghost after closing the light and gets scared as the ghost comes close to her. She runs from there. Angad gets to know about Ranjana’s missing news from his relative.
Angad’s friend, Misha is involved in finding Ranjana. Angad taunts her that she doesn’t come to his wedding. Angad’s relative leave from there. Misha says to Angad that it was their past and now he is marrying his love.
Sandhya comes out and hugs Angad but he is Kapil. She gets shocked and apologizes that she was just scared. Sandhya asks him that they have met before the ceremony? Kapil says that Angad is lucky to have her. Sandhya says that he believes in destiny. He says that they have also met each other due to destiny, but she is leaving by marrying Angad.
Sandhya gets confused that why Lord Shiv showed her Kapil’s face and make her get paired with Angad. Angad is talking to Misha that Sandhya should not know about them. Misha says that it means she should hide the truth which is not good. Angad says that she should hide the truth as Sandhya can also deny to marry him after knowing it.
Misha says that she is there for him if Sandhya denies to marry him. Misha holds his hand and says that she is always there with him. Sandhya listens to them.
Precap: Sandhya is dancing with Angad but when she looks at him and he is Kapil! Ranjana asks his father to find her! Sandhya gets shocked to look at Angad lying with Misha!