The Kasauti Zindagi Kay 2 episode begins with Anurag feeling tensed about Prerna’s condition. Anurag is shouting for help but the fire is spreading badly. Anurag himself takes Prerna safely outside the house. Everyone is really worried outside and Mohini’s condition is getting worsened. Mohini and Vinita ask the firefighters to bring their son and daughter safely. Anurag comes out with Prerna is his hand. Komolika and Mishka are irritated to see this thing. The doctor is checking Prerna and Mohini calls Anurag. The doctor says that Prerna has breathed some smoke and she just needs to breathe in fresh air. Prerna’s family takes Prerna with the doctor to give an injection to her. (Check: Kundali Bhagya 28 January 2019.)
Prerna is covered with an oxygen mask to breathe. Mahesh’s entry is seen there and he is touching Prerna with wrong intentions. Prerna is lying alone in the ambulance and Mahesh is looking at her. He starts talking with her and holds her hand. He recalls every memory when he was trying to make Prerna his bride.
Anurag says sorry to Mohini and adds that Prerna is his friend so it was his duty to safeguard her. Mahesh is looking at Anurag and challenges him that he will take Prerna with her and Anurag can’t do anything.

Mahesh talks to Prerna that he has left Madhuri as he wants only Prerna and no one else.
Anurag asks Nivedita to explain Mohini and listen to him. Mishka comes and says that there was no need to help Prerna by keeping your life in danger. Siddhant also agrees with Mishka. Komolika says that you’ve helped Prerna and that’s a normal thing, but did he gave his engagement ring to Prerna? Nivedita also asks about his engagement ring. Anurag reveals that I’ve taken out the ring in my room. He leaves to check Prerna’s health.
Moloy asks about Prerna’s health and Anurag comes to check Prerna. Anurag catches Naveen holding Prerna’s hand and shouts at him. But the firefighters started running which blocked Anurag’s way. In the meanwhile, Naveen has managed to leave from the place. Anurag shouts and tells everyone that he saw Naveen Babu. Mohini and everyone run to ask about it. Everyone has started searching Naveen.
Komolika and Mishka are strangely looking at each other as they don’t know Naveen Babu. Mohini tells that he was going to marry Prerna and she used to consider him as her brother. Komolika is surprised to hear all this. Mohini reveals everything happened in the past related to Naveen and Prerna’s wedding. Siddhant Chaubey gets a call and he leaves. Komolika re-questions about Naveen from Mohini.
No one is able to find Naveen after so many efforts. Mohini says that Naveen doesn’t have any guts to come back. The doctor comes to check Prerna and asks to bring down the stretcher down. Naveen comes in a firefighter costume to help but Anurag denies that he can do it on his own. Naveen leaves by hiding his face and identity with the firefighter costume.
Anurag talks with Prerna and asks for her health. Prerna is happy to talk to him at the moment and recalls her memories with him.
Mahesh is standing outside Prerna’s house and looking at her.
Precap: Moloy says that Anurag should have fallen in love with Prerna. Mahesh has come back to take revenge. Anupam asks Anurag to confess his feelings to Prerna and Komolika hears all this!
Stay tuned for Kasauti Zindagi Ki season 2 news and updates.