Mother’s Day is celebrated on second Sunday of May every year in most of the countries. The date varies for the rest of the world. This year, it falls on May 12 in India, US, UK, and most of the nations. It is a special day observed to pay honor to mothers and motherhood. (Check: Ramadan Mubarak.)
Mothers day is the time to celebrate with your first best friend and the person who you always turn to when you need advice in the life. It’s also a great time to show your love towards your mom and let her know that she has been the most wonderful women in your life. (Check: Happy Mothers Day Images.)
So, on this special occasion, if you are looking for a way to celebrate the event or how to wish your mother, then here, we have a collection of some of the best quotes and messages for mothers. You can send them to all the wonderful women in your life, be it- your mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, or even friends.

On this page, we have a long list of funny, caring, and sweet quotations for Mother’s day. The garnered list has quotes that can be sent to all the women who care about you. You can make your mother laugh with a humorous mother’s day quote. Also, you can show how much you love her with a sweet caring saying as well.
Along with these messages and quotes, you can also gift a personalized gift for mom like photo mugs, blankets or pillows with a special message on them.
Happy Mothers Day Quotes
Below are some heart-warming messages and quotes about motherhood. Send these to her and let her know her value in your life.
- “A mother is your first companion, your closest companion, your eternity companion.” — Unknown
- “When you are taking a gander at your mother, you are taking a gander at the most perfect love you will ever know.” — Charley Benetto
- “Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there is by all accounts no heart throb.” — Leroy Brownlow
- “Mothers resemble stick. Notwithstanding when you can’t see them, despite everything they’re holding the family together.” — Susan Gale
- “My Mother: She is lovely, relaxed at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I need to develop old and resemble her. ” — Jodi Picoult
- “Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little youngsters.” — William Makepeace Thackeray
- “The impact of a mother in the lives of her youngsters is past computation.” — James E. Faust”
- It may be conceivable to overlay unadulterated gold, yet who can make his mother increasingly lovely?” — Mahatma Gandhi
- “There is no job in life that is more fundamental than that of motherhood.” — Elder M. Russell Ballard
- “Youth blurs; love hangs; the leaves of kinship fall; A mother’s mystery trust outlasts them all.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes
- “Motherhood is the choice burden of being someone else’s beginning and end.” — Unknown”Only mothers can think about the future since they bring forth it in their youngsters.” — Maxim Grosky
- “My mother was my good example before I even comprehended what that word was.” — Lisa Leslie”To depict my mother is expound on a sea tempest in its ideal power.” — Maya Angelou
- “Motherhood is the greatest bet on the planet. It is the brilliant life power. It’s immense and unnerving – it’s a demonstration of vast hopefulness.” — Gilda Radner
Quotes About Mother’s Love: Short and Simple
You don’t need to write an essay explaining your love towards your mom or how much your mother means to you. You just need a short and simple message for mother’s day card.
- “My mother is a mobile supernatural occurrence.” — Leonardo DiCaprio
- “A mother comprehends what a youngster does not say.” — Jewish axiom
- “The world needs our mothers.” — Liya Kebede
- “A mother’s embrace keeps going long after she gives up.” — Unknown
- “There is nothing as true as a mother’s kiss.” — Saleem Sharma
- “Life started with awakening and adoring my mother’s face.” — George Eliot
- “A mother is dependably the start. She is the means by which things start.” — Unknown
- “We are conceived of affection; love is our mother.” — Rumi
- “Mother: the most lovely word on the lips of humanity.” — Kahil Gibran
- “There is no impact so ground-breaking as that of the mother.” — Sara Josepha Hale
- “A mother’s arms are more ameliorating than anybody else’s.” — Princess Diana
- “All that I am, or ever want to be, I owe to my blessed messenger mother.” — Abraham Lincoln
- “A mother is the person who fills your heart in any case.” — Amy Tan
- “Mother is one to whom you rush when you are harried.” — Emily Dickinson
- “A mother’s affection is more lovely than any new bloom.” — Debasish Mridha
Caring Mothers Day Messages
You can showcase your love for your mom with one of these lovable and beautiful quotes.
- “A mother’s arms are made of delicacy and kids rest soundly in them.” — Victor Hugo
- “A mother is she who can replace all others yet whose place nobody else can take.” — Cardinal Mermillod
- “A mother’s joy resembles a reference point, illuminating the future yet thought about likewise the past in the appearance of affectionate recollections.” — Honore de Balzac
- “The specialty of mothering is to show the craft of living to kids.” — Elaine Heffner
- “In the mother’s eyes, her grin, her stroking contact, the youngster peruses the message: ‘You are there!'” — Adrienne Rich
- “In the event that adoration is as sweet as a bloom, at that point my mother is that sweet blossom of affection.” — Stevie Wonder
- “Mothers hold their kids’ hands for a brief span, however their hearts until the end of time.” — Unknown
- “Mother’s affection is harmony. It need not be obtained, it need not be merited.” — Erich Fromm
- “Being a full-time mother is one of the most elevated salaried occupations since the installment is unadulterated love.” — Mildred B. Vermont
- “When you take a gander at your mother, you are taking a gander at the most perfect love you will ever know.” — Mitch Albom
- “There is no real way to be an ideal mother and a million different ways to be a decent one.” — Jill Churchill
- “There is no velvet so delicate as a mother’s lap, no rose as flawless as her grin, no way so colorful as that engraved with her strides.” — Archibald Thompson
- “A mother’s adoration is everything. It is the thing that brings a youngster into this world. It is the thing that forms their general existence. At the point when a mother sees her kid in risk, she is truly equipped for anything. Mothers have lifted autos off of their kids and pulverized whole traditions. A mother’s adoration is the most grounded vitality known to man.” — Jamie McGuire
- “A mother is dressed with quality and pride, chuckles without dread of things to come. When she expresses her words are astute and she gives directions with consideration.” — Proverbs
- “Motherhood: All affection starts and finishes there. ” — Robert Browning
Funny Mothers Day Quotes
If you want to make your mother laugh on this day, you can convey the following messages. The below funny quotes are enough to make your mom giggle.
- “Any mother could play out the employments of a few air-traffic controllers effortlessly.” — Lisa Alther
- “A mother is an individual who, seeing there are just four bits of pie for five individuals, speedily reports she never cared for pie.” — Tenneva Jordan
- “An ounce of mother merits a huge amount of minister.” — Spanish Proverb
- “A mother excuses every one of us our shortcomings, also a couple of we don’t have.” — Robert Brault
- “At last, mothers are in every case right. Nobody else comes clean.” — Randy Susan Meyers
- “God couldn’t be all over the place, and subsequently he made mothers.” — Rudyard Kipling
- “We have a mystery in our way of life, and it isn’t so much that birth is excruciating. It’s that ladies are solid.” — Laura Stavoe Harm
- “It is difficult being a mother. On the off chance that it were, fathers would do it.” — The Golden Girls
- “At the point when your mother solicits, ‘Do you need a suggestion?’ it’s a simple convention. It doesn’t make a difference on the off chance that you answer yes or no. You will get it in any case.” — Erma Bombeck
- “The expression ‘working mother’ is repetitive.” — Jane Sellman
- “I need my youngsters to have every one of the things I couldn’t bear. At that point, I need to move in with them.” — Phyllis Diller
- “Any mother could carry out the responsibilities of a few air traffic controllers easily” — Lisa Alther
- “In the event that advancement truly works, why mothers have just two hands?” — Milton Berle
- “There is just a single beautiful tyke on the planet, and each mother has it.” — Chinese Proverb
- “Mother, I adore you, despite the fact that I’ll never acknowledge your companion demand.” — Unknown
Inspirational Mother’s Day Quotes
It’s also true that sometimes mothers also need inspiration. So, you can send her an encouraging saying/message.
- “The mother’s heart is the tyke’s school-room.” — Henry Ward Beecher
- “To the world, you are a mother, however to your family, you are the world.” — Unknown
- “The loveliest magnum opus of the core of God is the core of a mother.” — St. Therese of Lisieux
- “Mother love is the fuel that empowers an ordinary individual to do the unthinkable.” — Marion C. Garretty
- “Acknowledgment, resilience, grit, empathy. These are the things my mother educated me.” — Lady Gaga
- “To a kid’s ear, ‘mother’ is enchantment in any language.” — Arlene Benedict
- “A mother is a mother still, the holiest thing alive.” — Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- “I can envision no bravery more noteworthy than motherhood.” — Lance Conrad
- “Of the considerable number of privileges of ladies, the best is to be a mother.” — Lin Yutang”Mothers can glance through a kid’s eyes and see tomorrow.” — Reed Markham
- “Mother—that was where we saved every one of our damages and stresses.” — T. Dewitt Talmage
- “My mother is my root, my establishment. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the conviction that the capacity to accomplish begins in your psyche.” — Michael Jordan
- “Being a mother is finding out about qualities you didn’t have any acquaintance with you had.” — Linda Wooten
- “Mothers have a power past that of a ruler on his position of royalty.” — Mabel Hale
- “No language can express the power and excellence and courage of a mother’s affection.” — Edwin Chapin
Mothers Day Quotes for Grandma
Grandchildren have a special place in the hearts of Grandparents. You can pick one of the below quote for Grandma as it can go with her mother’s day gift.
- “It’s such a stupendous thing to be a mother of a mother—that is the reason the world calls her grandmother.” — Unknown
- “Life doesn’t accompany a manual, it accompanies a grandmother.” — Unknown
- “As mothers and little girls, we are associated with each other. My mother is the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and genuine. She is my blood, ensuring it runs rich and solid. She is the pulsating of my heart. I can’t presently envision an existence without her.” — Kristin Hannah
- “All that I am, you helped me to be.” — Unknown
- “Grandmothers are the general population who take get a kick out of hearing children breathing into the phone.” — Unknown
- “Grandmothers are short on analysis and long on affection.” — Unknown”A grandmother is a tad parent, a smidgen educator, and somewhat closest companion.” — Unknown
- “Grandmothers dependably have sufficient energy to talk and make you feel uncommon. ” — Catherine Pulsifer”Grandmas hold our modest hands for only a short time… yet our hearts until the end of time. ” — Unknown
- “On the off chance that nothing is going great, call your grandmother.” — Italian Proverb
- “My grandmother is my holy messenger on earth. ” — Catherine Pulsifer
- “Grandmother constantly made you feel she had been hanging tight to see just all of you day and now the day was finished.” — Marcy DeMaree
- “I realize what it resembles to be raised with unequivocal love. In my life that originated from my grandmother.” — Andre Leon Talley
- “There’s no spot like home with the exception of Grandma’s.” — Unknown
Happy Mothers Day Quotes for an Aunt
If your aunt has played the role of a second mother to you, you can write one of the following heartfelt quotes for a special aunt.
- “Just an auntie can give embraces like a mother, can keep insider facts like a sister and offer love like a companion.” — Unknown
- “An auntie is somebody exceptional to recollect with warmth, consider proudly, and appreciate with adoration.” — Unknown
- “Auntie: A loved companion and individual team promoter who will dependably observe you through rose hued glasses.” — Unknown
- “Auntie; like a mother just cooler.” — Unknown
- “The best aunties aren’t substitute guardians, they’re co-backstabbers. ” — Daryl Gregory
- “Auntie ― a twofold gift. You adore like a parent and act like a companion.” — Unknown
- “I grin since you’re my auntie. I giggle on the grounds that there’s nothing you can do about it.” — Unknown”An auntie makes life somewhat better.” — Unknown
- “An auntie develops increasingly cherished as time passes by.” — Unknown”An auntie is dependably there for every one of the occasions when you need a second mother.” — Unknown
- “God couldn’t be all over the place so he made aunties.” — Unknown
- “An auntie is a place of refuge for a kid. Somebody who will stay quiet and is dependably on your side.” — Sara Sheridan
- “Science is the least of what makes somebody a mother.” — Oprah Winfrey
- “Some of the time the quality of motherhood is more prominent than normal laws.” — Barbara Kingsolver
- “Incredible sisters get elevated to auntie.” — Unknown
Happy Mothers Day Quotes for Sister
At times, our elder/younger sister play the role of our mommy and friends. You can tell her that she is a queen with one such inspiration message.
- “A mother isn’t an individual to incline toward, yet an individual to make inclining pointless.” — Dorothy Canfield Fisher
- “Nothing is truly lost until your mother can’t discover it.” — Unknown
- “Mother: a title simply over a ruler.” — Unknown
- “I have such an extensive amount you in my heart.” — John Keats
- “A more seasoned sister is a companion and safeguard — an audience, plotter, an advisor and a sharer of joys. What’s more, distresses as well.” — Pam Brown
- “The best thing about having a sister was that I generally had a companion.” — Cali Rae Turner
- “Time passes rapidly however one thing dependably keeps going – the affection and bolster found in you. ” — Catherine Pulsifer
- “Your sisters are the main individuals on the planet who recognize what it resembles to have been raised the manner in which you were.” — Betsy Cohen
- “To have an adoring association with a sister isn’t just to have a pal or a sure – it is to have a perfect partner forever.” — Victoria Secunda
- “A sister is a blessing to the heart, a companion to the soul, a brilliant string to the importance of life. ” — Isadora James
Mother’s Day Quotes for a friend
Friends are our one of the greatest support systems. You are one of the luckiest person, if you have got one. You can send these messages to your friend to tell him/her the value of your friendship.
- “Mother is an action word. It’s something you do. Not exactly your identity.” — Cheryl Lacey Donovan
- “By acting naturally, you put something brilliant on the planet that was not there previously.” — Edwin Elliot
- “You are definitely more valuable than gems.” — Proverbs
- “You are a blessing from God a companion that I can rely on and a brilliant model of a mother.” — Unknown
- “There will be so often you have a feeling that you fizzled. Be that as it may, in the eyes, heart, and psyche of your tyke, you are super mother.” — Stephanie Precourt
- “It isn’t so much that jewels are a young lady’s closest companion, yet it’s your closest companions who are your precious stones.” — Gina Barreca
- “Numerous individuals will stroll all through your life, however just evident companions will leave impressions in your heart.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
- “There are companions, there is family, and after that there are companions that moved toward becoming family.” — Unknown
- “The affection and empathy you’ve generally conveyed in your heart make you a magnificent mother and a cherished companion.” — Unknown
- “It’s not what we have throughout everyday life, except who we have in our life that issues.” — Unknown