Fans must be happy to know that Fairy Tail episode 296 is going to release on February 17, Sunday. By the end of episode 295 of Fairy Tail anime, we got to know that Marin is a traitor. We got surprised seeing Marin betraying and attacking Brandish. It has been adapted from the Hiro Mashima’s Japanese manga series. (Check: Frozen 2 Release Date.)
It resulted into Brandish getting detained. But, they didn’t executed her as she is more valuable to them until she breathes than dead. In Fairy Tail 296, Brandish would probably be featured taking revenge against Layla. It’s because Layla ordered to kill her mom Grammi to take back Aquarius’ key for Lucky.
There aren’t much information available regarding the upcoming episode of Fairy Tale anime. There are rumors that Brandish will be featured trapping Lucy and then hurting her. But, Aquarius will come to her rescue, and will help Brandish in understanding what actually happened in the past.

Moreover, she will come to know the real perpetrator who killed her mother. She will regret for the idea of killing Lucy to get revenge for her mother’s death. She will be seen repenting and shedding remorseful tears.
In the next episode of FT anime, Star Memory dimension will be introduced. It’s a memory archive for the celestial spirits. Aquarius will show Brandish that her mother Grammi and Layla were good friends. Lucy tries to comfort Brandish and asks her to become friends as their mothers were. Meanwhile, Happy bursts through the door with an unconscious Natsu.
Porlyusica will diagnose Natsu with anti-Ethernano tumor. She would claim that no doctor in Ishgar is capable of performing the necessary surgery, and as a result, Natsu would die. The cause for this tumor will also be told by Porlyusica as the constant use of magical powers.
Brandish will be able to successfully recover Natsu, though it is described as a deadly disease in the manga.