The Dragon Ball Heroes episode 7 will bring a new arc for the fans and viewers across the globe. The upcoming segment is titled “Universal Conflict: Dawn of War.” Earlier, the DBH fans were of the opinion that it not more than just a promotion stunt for the Japanese card game. They thought that the recent release will cap things off for the anime series.
But, this presumption of their proved wrong. It is because the people responsible for the series are still wanting it to expand beyond the current narration even when they are facing criticisms. In the last episode, we got to see new villains which emerged from a portal. At the center of the portal was Zamasu.
Due to Zamasu’s presence, the fans got blindsided as they thought that Trunks have already sliced him in half and he must have died. But, this theory proved to be wrong. However, we still don’t know he survived the attack and is still alive. It will be interesting to know how exactly he survived and regain his physical form back.

Fu has hinted that he may have been the reasons behind the return of Zamasu. In the meantime, the next episode will see Vegeta taking the center stage. He will get in another conflict one more time. The synopsis for DBH ep07 has already been released allowing fans to guess where the show is heading.
“Trunks, Vegeta, and the others have escaped from the Prison Planet. Before they can even recover from their wounds, they receive word that Universe 6 is under attack. What lies in wait for Vegeta and the others as they rush into Universe 6 to defeat a completely unknown enemy?”
Fans will get excited after knowing that the participants of the Tournament of Power will be seen in the series once more. It looks like Goku won’t be able to take down the new villains all by himself and will be forced to take help from Jiren, Hit, Caulifla, Cabba, and Kale. He maybe capable of doing it all by himself, but would there be fun then?
Dragon ball heroes episode 7 will release on January 10, 2019.