After the disclosure of something very important about the upcoming episode 20 of ‘Dragon Ball Heroes’ by the makers, we now got to understand that instead of finishing the story from the first season, this episode is rather meant to pave the way for its brand new second season. The latter episode is supposed to arrive in the coming few weeks. (check: Kabukichou Sherlock Episode 15.)
What could we get to see in the upcoming episode 20 of Dragon Ball Heroes?
As all the old antagonists from the previous episodes have probably been sent back to the prison planet again as a result of the Gogeta’s victory in the deciding fight with the mighty Godslayer Hearts. Therefore, it is very likely that the episode 20 of ‘Dragon Ball Heroes’ would feature a brand new story setup and probably new villains might also show up.

The Dragon Ball Heroes Season 2 is officially confirmed:
According to the updates by DBSChronicles, the episode 20 from the first season would initialize the storybase for the next season. The main climax of the first season’s ‘Dark Demon Realm Mission’ arc would also be shown in this episode. Here, the old quarrel between the Dark Empire and the Time Patrol which began several years ago would also be shown.
This even implies that the beginning of this episode would not happen from the scene where the Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta had finally beaten Hearts-The Godslayer in a fierce and intense combat which took place between them both. Rather, it is supposed to likely pick up from a completely new and unknown scene and place.
In the previous episode 19 which was titled “Decisive Battle! Time Patrol vs Dark King!”, we were also able to see that the other Z warriors also helped Gogeta to defeat Hearts because at a glance his strength seemed to be limitless.
To briefly summarize the episode 19, the intense combat between them both in the previous episode was super thrilling and it seemed to fascinate the viewers a lot. As foreseen, the righteous heroes conquered in the battle against the evildoers and the first season came to pretty satisfying end.
Piccolo, Android, Trunks, Jiren, Hit and Gogeta together were successful in stopping Hearts from wreaking havoc on the planet. They did put all their possible efforts to beat him because the lives of innumerable people were at stake. Finally, they did succeed in protecting the universe from Hearts-The Godslayer and took an oath to safeguard it until they take their last breaths.
Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 20 Release Date
To be more specific, the episode 20 of the first season of ‘Dragon Ball Heroes’ appears to have no particular release date but it is supposed to come out sometime in the months of May and June as per the updates provided by DBSChronicles. The information also came out that this episode would also consist of the ‘Big Bang Mission’.
Otakukart also came up with an expected release date for the episode 20 of ‘Dragon Ball Heroes’. It’s post also say that further related updates could be out anytime soon as the claimed date for its release is approaching near. All viewers are advised to stay in touch for more related news about the latter.