The upcoming chapter 248 of ‘Black Clover‘ was almost ready to get published this week but would not be able to make it soon. All the readers would have to wait more for this manga to make its comeback with the new installment where the Heart Kingdom is under attack by the Dark Triad. (check: Sherlock Season 5.)
The reason for this delay is not the illustrator YĆ«ki Tabata but its publishing house. They had to suspend all their publication activities from the beginning of this week. (check: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 12.)
Recently on the 11th April, there was an announcement made by the Shonen Jump that they would put all their operations on hold until some breakthrough is made to control the spread of the COVID-19 and the intense situation all around the world is curbed.

One more important discovery that we were able to come across is that one of the offices of Shenhua was shut down when they got to learn that one of the persons from their staff might be infected with this deadly virus.
This also means that the entire operation of editorial department would be put on a hold for a while. According to the official statement, ‘Shonen Jump’ would temporarily stop their operations starting from the 19th April and would most likely resume their work in the next week.
The Speculations floating around:
Currently, we don’t know when exactly the chapter 248 of ‘Black Clover’ would make it to the readers but we are certain that it would feature the Dark Triad moving towards the Heart Kingdom to attack on it.
Unfortunately, at the moment Lolopechka is not near the kingdom but way too far from it. On the other hand, Vanica is the leading member of the Dark Triad which seems on a raid-cum-attack on the Heart Kingdom.
Each and every person in the Dark Triad transformed into a mage of first stage with the help of dark powers of Vanica. It also means that they are capable enough of even defeating the spirit guardians who were presently safeguarding the Heart Kingdom.
Everyone is eager to know whether the fighters in the kingdom would be able protect it from the warriors of Vanica until Lolopechka reaches the place as the latter is supposed to be the prime rival of her.
The entire Heart Kingdom would come under grave danger if Luck would not be able to face the warriors from the Dark Triad and beat them in the combat. To protect his kingdom from getting destroyed from the clutches of the Dark Triad, he must try his best to stop them until some assistance for him reaches there.
If he fails in doing so, probably nothing would be able to stop the Dark Triad from wreaking havoc on the Heart Kingdom. All these fights in this entire chapter are going to be super exciting as the fighters in the Dark Triad are not actually using all of their powers with their complete strength for now which makes us wonder about their limits.
Perhaps, it would be totally thrilling for the fans to read this chapter and on the same hand, things could go worse for our beloved heroes who would have to use their complete powers and strengths combined together to save the Heart Kingdom from getting destroyed by the Dark Triad.
Black Clover Chapter 248 Release Date
Very obviously, as we told you before, the chapter 248 of ‘Black Clover’ would not make it as expected earlier i.e. this week but would be released on the 26th April in the Shonen Jump as it usually happens as per the claims of Otakukart.
The raw scans are also expected to come out as per their usual schedule i.e. two days earlier from the official release date which is the 24th of April.