The chapter 120 of Attack on Titan is going to release next. The previous chapter of AoT manga series was an insane one. If you haven’t read it yet, then you should read it at the earliest as something so surprising happened that blew everyone away. (Check: Happy Friendship Day Quotes.)
Before going to discuss more about the manga, i would like you to notify you that this article may contain spoilers from the upcoming or previous chapters of the manga. So, if you don’t like to be spoiled with the information that you haven’t read yourself, then you should skip reading further.
However, if this doesn’t bother you, then you can keep reading further. Moreover, you should note that we don’t participate in making the spoilers or leaking them. We have just collected all the info from the various web portals available freely on the world wide web. Now, let’s continue.
In the beginning of the segment, Eren is featured running towards Zeke to help him. But, all of a sudden, two titans stop him as catching him. However, he succeeds in slipping from them. At one point, he was about to kill Gallard.
However, the cart titan saved Gallard by shooting Eren. It stopped Eren from delivering the finishing blow. Then, someone attacks the Cart Titan, but she successfully defends herself. Then, Armin heads directly into the battle, but the enemy troops pinned him and the others down.
Then, they devise a workout plan to defeat the enemy. They plan to encircle the enemy and beat them by picking one by one. After that, the flashbacks of Zeke are featured. He tries to shout, but someone stops him by telling him that Falco has drank some of his spinal fluid.
The big brother of Zeke argues with him to make his stop from shouting. But, Zeke doesn’t care and shouts which turn the titans who had drunk his fluids into Titans. Then, at one point in the battle, the Cart titan was about to kill Eren, but Armin stops her from doing that.
At another point in the fight, Reiner is about to be killed, but Porocoo sacrificed himself as he gets eaten by Falco. Later on, it is revealed that Porocoo did it to save Falco. Then, Eren is seen running towards Zeke, but he gets shot by Gabi on his way to Zeke. Due to this shot, Eren’s head gets decapitated and his brother sees it live.
The chapter ends here.
It was really an insane chapter. The battle became more intense as the fight continued. As of now, nothing can be said about Eren. He may survive in the next chapter. Hopefully, it would be the powers of the Founding Titan or Warhammer Titan.
It will be a long wait ahead of the upcoming chapter of the manga. It will be interesting to see the future story. The Attack on Titan #120 is going to release on August 9, 2019.