The episode 12 of Arrow season 7 is titled Emerald Archer, and will feature Olive Queen getting haunted by the past sins. It will air next week on the CW network and will be a polarizing episode. It’s the 150th episode of the Arrow series and won’t be happening in the traditional form. It may be messing around the structure this time. (check: boruto episode 92.)
Maybe, it will turn out to funny at some points. It is being reported that the cast liked it and enjoyed a lot filming this one. The reason maybe the difference in filming and shooting. The show is heading towards a documentary format. One very famous person will narrate the reason why vigilantism started in the Star City.
There would be two segments of the viewers after watching this episode. Some may appreciate the humor that makers have put in, while some may hate it being different than the usual stuff. We should appreciate that the show wants to try something new by taking some risk. It may turn out to be a little fun.

Below, we have the official synopsis for Arrow 7×12. Kelsey Grammer is narrating this episode of the series. It is directed by Glen Winter while Marc Guggenheim and Emilio Ortega Aldrich have written the script. It reads the following:
As a camera crew follows Oliver and team around to talk about their past as vigilantes and what the Green Arrow means to Star City, Oliver must also deal with William’s (guest star Jack Moore) return from boarding school as well as a new threat to the city. The episode will feature “documentary footage” captured by the BTS crew and interviews from those who have worked alongside the Green Arrow.
Doing a documentary is a nice idea and the show must do it at some or other point of time. It’s the #150 episode which can turned into a major one. It can be done in the 200th episode, but there is no guarantee of anything. For it to happen, Arrow tv series will have to make it to season 9 considering the same number of episodes in each season. After that, there would be the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover events. That makes it even more interesting to know how that will unfold and be made.
Here is the promo video/trailer for the next week’s episode.
As seen in the trailer, someone is stalking everyone or was on the team Arrow. By the end of episode 11, we got to see Earth 1’s doppleganger Laurel Lance wasn’t the only one who was being stalked. Towards the end, it was shows that Dinah also has one of her own. In the teaser released, we can see Emiko telling Oliver that someone is coming for him. He is a vigilante slayer who is on a mission of hunting all the vigilantes.
Arrow S7E12 releases on February 4, 2018, at 8 pm ET on the CW.