Memorial Day is observed every year on the last Monday of May. It’s a federal holiday in the United States. It is celebrated to honor and remember the fallen military heroes, those who dies while serving in the US Armed Forces. This year, it falls on May 27. (Check: Memorial Day Quotes.)
From 1868 to 1971, the Memorial Day was used to be observed on May 30. But, later on, the day was changed and it began to be observed on the last Monday of May month. It is considered to be the unofficial start of the summer season in the US. And, Labor Day marks the end of it, which falls on the first Monday of September.
It’s not tradition or customary, but people are used to visit cemeteries and memorials on this particular day. They do so to remember those who sacrificed their lives so that other Americans can live in an independent and democratic country. People also place an American flag on graves in national cemeteries.

Like Memorial Day, there are two other days that are similar to it. These are also observed to honor those who have served or serving in the US military. These days are – Veterans Day, which celebrates the service of all US military veterans, and Armed Forces Day, although a minor celebration, but is for those who are currently serving in the military.
It’s a holiday that most businesses observe as it unofficially marks the beginning of the summer season/vacation. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) have urged to change it to the original date. In 2002, the VFW said that changing the date to create 3-day weekend has undermined the day’s meaning.
In 2000, Congress passed the National Moment of Remembrance Act that asks people to stop and remember at 3 pm. On Memorial Day, an act is performed with regards to the flag. On this day, the US national flag is quickly raised to the top of the staff, and then lowered with sincerity to the half-staff position.
Then, the flag remains at this position only until noon. After that, it is again raised to the full-staff position for the remaining part of the day. The Memorial Day observances in towns are often marked by dedications and remarks by veterans and politicians. The National Memorial Day Concert takes place on the west lawn of the US capital.
The live broadcast of the concert is done on PBS and NPR. The celebrations include music, and respect is paid to the men and women who sacrificed their lives for others. The common, the central event in the US that happens is the Memorial Day parade in large and small cities.
In most of them, the marching bands are featured along with an overall military theme with the Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, and Veteran service members. They all participate in it with military vehicles from various wars.