Arrow Season 5 Episode 2 Spoilers, Air Date, Promo, Synopsis 5×2 Updates: The fourth season of Arrow was a bit disappointing in some of the viewers’ opinion. According to them, it lacked the thrilling plot and the captivating storyline that it had during the first three seasons. (check: Criminal Minds Season 12 Episode 3.)
The fourth installment became a bit too much about magic and hence, led to quite a few inexplicable plot points. The character of Damian Daarhk was met with high expectations which could not be fulfilled. Audience were expecting to meet a villain which would be the likes of Ra’s Al Ghul, Slade Wilson and Malcolm Merlin.
Arrow Season 5 Episode 2
Instead, they got a loosely written character who was just toyed around with. Even good acting couldn’t save it from receiving flak. Then there was the case of other characters, who weren’t done justice either. The complete season felt like it revolved around just Oliver and Felicity.
They were on an on-off relationship marathon. Accidents and tragedies were unnecessarily added to the story. Felicity got wheelchair ridden and then she started walking again in the next episode itself. The main characters were left under-utilized. The whole fault seemed to lie with the writing. This show made a not so popular comic character one of audiences’ favorite character. It just couldn’t do justice to the story in the installment four.
Since DC TV is following the shared universe concept, we would get to see changes made by other characters from different TV shows made by DC affect the Arrow storyline. In the second of The Flash, we saw Flash changing the timeline in the finale episode. This would affect the Arrow timeline too.

As per sources, due to changes in timeline, we’ll again get to see Tommy Merlin (who died in the first installment) in the fifth season of Arrow. Deathstroke is coming back too! But there are rumors of the actor being different than the earlier one. There would be a lot of other changes to the timeline too.
The first episode of season 5 aired on 5th October and the synopsis for the EP2 is out too. The second episode would be titled “The Recruits”. We would get to see Wild Dog, a vigilante who later joins team Arrow. They would cross paths in the EP 2. We could also get to see other changes that were made to the timeline.
Arrow episode 2 season 5 airs on 12 October on CW at 8pm. Stay tuned to The Tribune Voice for latest news.